The A Team:

Meet The People Who Will Help You Publish Your Book

Here at Author House Publisher, we can help you achieve your dream of becoming an author. Whatever your goals for publishing a book, we offer you the services and support to help you achieve them. But who are "we," exactly?

Read on to learn more about the people as well as the processes involved in turning your ideas into a professionally published book.

1. Getting Started

Contact an Author House Publisher Publishing Consultant. Choose a publishing package. Purchase the package that fits your publishing goals.

Publishing Consultant

Your initial guide on your self-publishing journey will discuss the options and services available to you and will help you choose the best one that will suit your needs.

Payment Central Representative

He or she will take care of processing your payment and confirming when it is done so that your book may move on to the next stages of the publishing process.

Agreement Control Representative

The mission of the AC Representative is to make sure you’ve read and understood Author House Publisher's Terms and Conditions when you sign your contract.

2. Submissions

Submit your manuscript, along with your design and layout preferences and other requirements.

Check-In Coordinator

Your Check-In Coordinator will set expectations regarding timelines and processes your book will go through and will make sure that you’ve submitted all the materials needed to create your book.

Editorial Consultant

If your chosen package includes Editorial Assessment or if you've purchased the service separately, you can expect an Editorial Consultant to contact you to discuss your editing needs as identified by the editorial evaluation team. He or she will also determine if your book will need additional editorial services.

Content Evaluator

As the title suggests, his or her job is to evaluate incoming manuscripts, making sure that they meet Author House Publisher standards. In this first check, the Content Evaluator will make sure your manuscript is free of legal issues including, but not limited to, plagiarism, copyright infringement, libel, or pornography.

Encoder, Editor, & Illustrator

The encoder, editor, and illustrator will take care of your respective data entry, editing, or illustration requirements whether these services are already included in your publishing package or if you've purchased them separately.

3. Production

Work with us to transform your manuscript into a quality book.

Publishing Services Associate

Your Publishing Services Associate is your go-to contact during the production stage. He or she will also make sure everything is in order and that your ideas have been properly executed before sending your book to the printer.

Marketing Consultant

Your Marketing Consultant will help you create a robust marketing plan that fits your book’s promotional needs and your budget.

Design Team

The members of the Design Team will help bring your book to life by combining your specific design requests with their expertise.

4. Final Prep

You’re one stop away from publishing your book. Send in your approval, and we’ll wrap up production.

Publishing Services Associate

At this point, your Publishing Services Associate will make sure that your expectations have been met. He or she will then secure your approval to finalize your book.

Final Quality Assessment

A member of our FQA team will do a final quality check on the design and layout of your book for printer compliance.

Marketing Consultant

While your book is being finalized, you and your Marketing Consultant should continue the preparations for your book marketing campaign.

Content Evaluator

Your manuscript is sent back to the Content Evaluator to make sure that everything still conforms to our content guidelines after going through all the revision stages.

Writer, Designer, & Researcher

The marketing services you signed up for will determine who works on your marketing campaign. Writers and researchers create blurbs for press releases and the like, while designers work on creating your website's layout.

5. The Finish Line

Your book is now available and ready to be purchased on online bookstores!

Book Consultant

Your Book Consultant handles your book orders and will help you determine the number of books that you should keep in stock based on your goals and planned events.

Marketing Services Representative

He or she will act as a liaison between you and the team that will fulfill your marketing services, be it those included in your publishing package, if any, or those you’ve purchased separately.

Customer Service Representative

The front line of communications for authors who have questions or concerns regarding any part of the publishing process. Should you run into any possible issues, our Customer Service Representatives will point you to the best person who can address them.

Ready to publish with the Author House Publisher team?
Contact your Publishing Consultant today at
+1 669 766 0020.

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