Press Release - Essential Edition

When hundreds of titles are being published every day, it simply isn’t enough to write a blog article or social media post about your book. You’ll want to write a piece that will make it stand out and that will reach hundreds of media audiences as well. With our Press Release – Essential Edition service, you’ll get a professionally written press release to announce your book to the media. 

The Press Release – Essential Edition includes:

  • Customized one-page press release based on information you provide about your book
  • Delivery of your press release to a minimum of 500 media outlets chosen based on location, your book’s genre and more; recipients may include magazines, newspapers, online publications, and radio and TV programs
  • Press-release tracking for one month through Meltwater's powerful PR platform

See a sample press release here.

About Meltwater
Meltwater was founded in 2001 as the world’s first online media monitoring company. Today, Meltwater is a global leader in media intelligence and social analytics, helping to bridge the gap between Public Relations, Communications and Marketing departments with an intuitive, all-in-one solution powered by AI-driven insights. Over 30,000 of the world’s most respected brands rely on Meltwater to help inform their strategic decision-making, and with over 55 offices across six continents.

Call 833.262.8899 to order

or speak to an Author House Publisher team member for more information about this service

Disclaimer: Prices listed do not include applicable taxes (such as sales, use, excise, value-added, goods and services, or other tax), which will be added to the total at the time of purchase.


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